Ensuring the UK Economy listens on #MicroBizday 2018

The Business Cafe in support of MicroBizMattersDay 12th January 2018

Tony and Tina – Founders and all round amazing people

There are some people in life that have a passion that overcomes the largest of mountains, the widest rivers and the toughest economies. The Micro Business. The heroes of the UK Economy. 

It cannot be underestimated the level of skills that today’s small business men and women have to hold to survive and thrive. All I can say is, thank goodness for drive, motivation and determination. The determination to be self reliant, yet be part of a community of other small business owners that share connections and skills, all in the knowledge that ‘we are in this together’.

MicroBizMatters @microbizmatters have a day each year where they celebrate this sector and support, acknowledge and inspire. Led by the amazing Tina Boden and Tony Robinson OBE.

On Friday at 7am, Tony and Tina will start the event. I am there – in Manchester, however, wherever you are you can be part of this.

The agenda is below and you can follow on #IGAVE12 

The Business Cafe is leading at 8.30am – our topic “Strong Mind Strong Business” I will be talking about how critical our minds are and my personal experiences of anxiety, PTSD and how my business friends help me to feel I matter and keep me going. 



To download the PDF of the plans for the day and the list of sponsors and partners, see below

MicroBizMattersDay programme

Hope to see you online during Friday, this is a great way to highlight your own business and also support others.




Thank you to our sponsors who are enabling us to deliver free digital skills
within The Business Cafe

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Post Author: Penny