Helping to kick start The Business Cafe crowdfund

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You’re here because you clicked the link on my email to you – thank you so much. I hope it means that you get what The Business Cafe is about and that you want to support our quest to share a stake in it with you and the crowd.

As I mentioned we need to gain traction now by starting the crowdfund with some solid investments that encourage our community to join in with the momentum. We call these our cornerstone investors and we’d love you to be one of them as you have always talked about your commitment to the small business sector. If you’re on board we’d really appreciate it if you could confirm that the timescales fit with you by submitting a pledge below with how much you are thinking of investing. The Business Cafe is EIS approved by HMRC.

NB There is no commitment at this stage, this is not an offer to invest and no payment will be taken, this is purely a guide for our own information. We’ll use your information to keep you informed on our offer when it comes and our progress through the process. You have every right to change your mind.

Below the form you can watch a very spontaneous video of Gail and I, to get a feel for the two of us.

Get more information on what fires our mojo by watching our hugely ad hoc, one-take video here: