2018 – setting goals or creating intention #strongmindstrongbusiness

Thought for the Day- 8th January 18
It is over a month since I wrote a post with any thought and emotion. I have been in a period of reflection which is needed by us all at times. I enjoyed this period very much and have rearranged my mind, cleaned out some cupboards in my head and set my head in the direction of 2018. If ever there was a time that I needed reminding of the need for strong mind, the past 4 weeks has been it. I was smashed around the head a few times until I listened to my own teachings!
Has anything changed, or am I just tidied up? I think I feel a little calmer, my adrenalin is not flowing as fast and I have learned a great deal about my-‘self’ and my relationship with my ‘business-self’. I love the space Christmas and new Year gives us all, the symbolism of a year passing and a new year beginning.
Watching other people’s minds and thoughts being shared online over the past 4 weeks has been fascinating; I think one of the main benefits for me of the online world is plugging into the hearts and minds of others and having a sense of belonging to a group of people that constantly strive to improve, progress and seek some outcomes that may vary in the actual tangible result, but I think are ultimately working toward peace of mind, security and solutions, seeking to reduce vulnerabilities that hold us back personally or in business. We search, seek and uncover all the time as humans. Never satisfied we strive.
I have read books to support my own search for peace and discovered that part of me has been too motivated by “running away from”, rather than “running towards”. Simplifying this I have realized I am running from a fear based emotion, not spending enough time running toward ‘joy’. I have met a lot of people that seem the same and this is a deep, lifelong program that some of us have to work hard to shift. It is not something to be embarrassed by, but it can explain the motives that drive us and the destruction it can have on our inner peace and existence. This realization is terrific and does not change my mission in life, or the way I act or the way I am, but perhaps the way I think and the way I find my personal peace.
So, continuing to “love, laugh and learn”, my three mantras on my dressing table. But what about goals?
One theme that comes up each turn of the year is the arguments fore and against setting goals.
I have decided on the following path.
1. I DON’T have stated goals, but I do have a strong vision of what I want to bring to the world, entering my 20th year of this vision, living by it, but yet to bring to reality the manifestation of my vision through physical Business Cafe
2. I DO have intentions, and I have learned that they need to change and adapt each day. Not all days can demand a constant energy and emotion. I can be flexible and conserve energy on some days and be over energetic on others. This is the way life demands and pushes us.
So, my daily habits will form my year. Starting with waking up and working out the energy my day ahead needs and setting my intentions accordingly. Some days allow creativity, calm, love and thought. Others require strength, power and presence, but always love. This ability to adapt my energy is a huge leap in my personal awareness.
Yoga will form part of my daily routine, as little as 5 minutes, as much as an hour, again, depending on my thoughts, patterns, energy, joys and inevitable knock backs. Life changes daily, so I must as well.
3 clear objectives for Gail and I and The Business Cafe Investors and Stakeholders
1. We will continue the journey, Gail and I, to bring an offline social world to business people town by town. The online world is a tool, we must all chose how to use it (and when to not to). Help is needed for those who are over dependent on this world, even some that are addicted. Currently, we have little choice for our daily needs for belonging and friendship. The vision of a cafe full of business people being loved and supported and knowing that they matter keeps us driven and focused. New business models are challenging to bring to market, but we will.
2. We will help people to be skilled and relevant. Relevance in the economy is critical. Economic dependence on digital technology is moving too fast for any of us to sit outside the circle of technology and ignore it. Too many people have not adapted their lives to the digital world and they are fast becoming ‘irrelevant’, unproductive and unknown. Seven years of investment in Digital Skills by Government and individuals needs to see results that make a difference to people’s lives. The Business Cafe’s intention to provide free digital skills 121, face to face through our Digital Friends will make a difference and contribution to the lives of our members.
3. We will use love in all our thoughts and deeds in business. The world is changing and we need the energy of love to drive and support us all. Love comes in many forms and can be felt in many ways. The Business Cafe leadership, culture and #StrongMindStrongBusiness campaign will reflect this value and intention in all that we do. We will reduce loneliness, increase self-esteem and connect people deeply.
2018 feels good, all New Years feel good. Learning from our past and having faith in ourselves and our future cannot be under estimated. So what ever your year presents you with, we wish you love and strength and a sense of belonging. Together we can all make this a good year and I am so excited that we are together on our journeys as business owners.


This is a copy of my post in our Facebook Group where we are real, raw and caring. Search The Business Cafe Global on Facebook or click HERE 


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within The Business Cafe

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Post Author: Penny