DEEP GRATITUDE – from Penny Power

it is the 8th month of the year and this year has been one of my most enlightening in business, emotional turmoils and learning.

I have loved it. Sometimes when you are really challenged you have the opportunity to discover more about yourself, and also, beautifully, more about the people you surround yourself with.

I have questioned life a lot. But also for the first time I have also wanted to create change in a more radical and open way than ever before. Those close to me will think I have retreated, been quiet. But in my head I have been far from quiet.

Walks and talks with many TBC Friends has opened my world to new thinking. I have shared my journey with you here and through that I hope I have past in some of the shifts.

It is never too late to heal the past pains, things that have limited us. Things that have allowed others to manipulate, exploit or leverage.

So my thought for today is of gratitude for my TBC Friends – a deep gratitude. The daily chats and open sharing and the walks and talks.

Thank You, Polaroid, Letters

Let’s have more of these and I sincerely hope that you are all getting a level of business and emotional support from new people in your life too.

There are some amazing people in our Facebook group – make sure you explore and meet up – life isn’t all about a transaction to lead you on the right road.

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Post Author: Gail